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Four years ago we started our relationship. We brought our daughter to you and trusted that you would be the best thing that ever happened to her. The 1st few days where hard because she cried every morning but after 1 week she became fine and now the teachers have become like second parents. Thank you for educating our child with so much care and love. Honestly all we have received from Top Kids is love and understanding through the good days and tough days you have been so supportive.

Sadly our child’s journey with Top Kids is now coming to an end but we know that you have given her the best foundation and preparation she needs to go into the world and become the best she can be. We are so grateful, words can never be enough for us to express our gratitude. Every year for those four years each teacher was the best our child could have ever had and there are days I was called by the teachers name at home and sometimes asked to make food the way teacher Radha makes it. 

Thank you Top Kids you are truly the best!